Tuesday, December 31, 2013



And 2014 gets serious for A.P.E. almost right away: Monday, January 06!

The wheels of justice turn slowly, especially in a lawsuit against the City of New Orleans.  The comedian Thomas Lennon sarcastically tweeted yesterday that "Popeye's new slogan is 'Louisiana Fast' because nothing moves faster than stuff in Louisiana."
Amen. Throw in the fact that A.P.E. does business in the city affectionately but unfortunately nicknamed "The City that Care Forgot" and it can really feel like nothing has happened since the lawsuit started.

And yes, as we approach a year of litigation, Monday the 6th will still only be a hearing on our appeal of Judge Cates' denial of A.P.E.'s request for preliminary injunction to stop the award of the bid. And yes, the bid has already been awarded; however, we feel like our case has only grown stronger. The slow-turning wheels of justice have allowed new evidence to come to light. A few significant things have happened since the last time A.P.E. was in court (which I have not been able to fill you in on here-yet) that make us even more hopeful for an outcome that is fair to us and better for NOPD officers.

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